Pet Care Services, in New York City

We Provide Care, That Your Pet Deserves!

Call 123 456 7890

We aim to bring happiness into people's lives and homes by assisting with finding happy and healthy puppies. We aim to build a responsible community of true and passionate dog lovers.

Who We Are

We Love Your Pet, Just as You Do!

We connect pawsome people with happy and healthy dogs from pre-screened and hand-picked breeders.

We aim to make the process as seamless as possible. You tell us what breed you are looking for, we source the perfect pup and once you are happy, we deliver to your home!

Choose How You Want Us to Care for Your Dog!

Our Services: - We help you find the Perfect Dog - Mobile Dog Grooming - Mobile Dog Training

Review Us

Choose How You Want Us to Care for Your Pet!

Make an informed decision to find a dog that fits your home and lifestyle, bringing you joy for years to come.

Find a Dog

Find your perfect furry companion by considering size, temperament, activity level, and lifestyle compatibility.

Dog Care Tips

From proper nutrition and grooming to exercise and healthcare, discover expert advice to keep your furry friend happy and healthy.

Dog Training

Experienced trainers offer personalized instruction and positive reinforcement techniques to help your furry friend learn new skills.

Dog Grooming

Receive hands-on care for your pet from our Mobile Dog Grooming services in Pretoria and Johannesburg (Gauteng, South Africa).


Happy Faces

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Rem ridi culus pharetra labore nulla expli cabo sem! Modi ipsa, dolores cupiditate elemen tum.

Jane Foster, NY

Rem ridi culus pharetra eligendi labore nulla expli cabo sem! Modi ipsa, dolores cupiditate.

Mike Ross, WD

Rem pharetra labore eligendi nulla expli cabo sem! Modi ipsa, dolores elemen tum eligendi.

Veronica Cullen, MH

Wish to Take a Trial?

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